Question-1: What is Eeshwar then ?


Again you are confused. Eeshwar is not synonyms of GOD. Eeshwar is Divine while GOD is Eternal. Eeshwar is a detatching Light from GOD. So, Eeshwar is not GOD. Now we must keep it in a proper sequence. Jeeva, Eeshwar and Parmeshwar-- or -- Jeeva, Aatma and Parmatma --or-- Aham, Bramha and Parambramha --or-- Self, Soul and GOD --or-- Rooh, Noor and Allaahtaala, like that. That which is Aatma is also Eeshwar. That which is Parmatma is also Parmeshwar. That which is Soul is not GOD. That which is Parmatma or Parmeshwar is certainly Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan.

Question-2: What is GOD then and Who is Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan ?


Surely GOD is the Supreme. A Supreme Exist is GOD. There is no time when GOD is not there. It is only GOD Who exists all the time without changes. Before the creation was started, It is GOD only who existed. After this creation will be dissolved, It will be GOD only who will exist. Even Souls are submerged finally into GOD, what to say of other things. GOD is the creator, sustainer and submerger of this Creation and is hence beyond the Creation. HE does not live in this Creation. HE lives in HIS SUPREME ABODE which existed before the Creation and will exist after the Creation also.

Question-3: Where does the Soul reside ?


The Aatma are many and they all travel in between the Selfs and GOD. Souls are not in the body. Those who know nothing about the Self, call the Soul as dwelling inside the body. Actually Soul or Eeshwar or Bramha does not reside in the body. It comes from and goes to GOD, the Supreme Exist. Because Jeeva dwells inside body, the body is called Sajeeva or Jeevit body.

Question-4: Is GOD different from Soul ? Is Paramatma different from Aatma ?


You are right when you say that GOD is beyond the Soul, Paremshwar is different from Eeshwar, Parambrmaha is separate from Bramha, Allaahtaala is different from Aalim-e-Noor and GOD-Father is separate from the Divine Light or Light Messengers. Soul, Aatma, Eeshwar, Bramha, Concious Noor or Chandana is lower than the Supreme Lord Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan-Sat SiriAkaal. Next lower entity is the Self, the Jeeva or the Rooh.

Question-5: What is Soul ? Is Soul the same as Aatma ? Is Aatma the same as Eeshwar ?


Soul is also called the Aatma or Eeshwar or Bramha or Spirit or Noor. It is Divine by existence. It is effulgent of Divine Light. It is not like inert material but pure conscious. It can take decisions, It can move any where It wills, It can inspire anyone It likes, It can provide all the ameneties on merely Its will. It acts upon WILL only. It is formless and It travels throughtout the Universe as fast as nothing. Within no second It reaches the other corner of the Universe. Souls are many like Selfs or bodies. All the Souls are subordinates of Supreme Lord are the controlling tools of GOD. Souls receives Divinity from the GOD. No Soul remains Divine if diverted from the Lord.

Question-6: What is Self ? Is Self the same as Rooh ? Is Rooh same as Jeeva ?


Certainly the Self is the driver of the body. It is completely different from Soul or Aatam or Eeshwar or Bramha or Divine Light or Noor or Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan. The same Self is also called Jeeva in Sanskrit (or in Hindi) or Rooh in Arabic (or in Urdu). Self is not Soul and Soul is not GOD. Jeeva is not Aatma and Aatma is not Parmatma. Similarly Rooh is not Noor and Noor is not Allaahtaala or Khuda. Most of modern Religious Preachers are greatly deluding the people about the Self, Soul and GOD declaring that all the Three are the same. In fact they themselves are not clear about the the Three.

Question-7: Why is Sadanand Tattvagyan Parishad very advantageous to us ?


Sadanand Tattvagyan Parishad is the only Association assisting its individuals in leading towards Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan-Sat SiriAkaal. The fundamental base for all of its activities is TATTVAGYAN of Lord Vishnuji-Ramji-Krisnaji-Sadanandji who are GODLY INCARNATIONS of all the four eras. No institution, organisation, association, society or forum is there in the world which is acting purely for Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan on True, Real and distinct concepts of World, Body, Self, Soul and GOD alongwith the FOUR Systems namely Education, Self-Realization, Spiritualization and Supreme KNOWLEDGE of the WORD or TATTVAGYAN of PARAMTATTVAM or KHUDAI ELM of Huruf-e-Muqataat. All the individuals of Sadanand Tattvagyan Parishad will be receiving True and Real Path to Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan-Sat SiriAkaal as the Activities of this Association is governed by Mahatmas who have really achieved and met Khuda-GOD-Bhagwan or Sat SiriAkaal Who is beyond Aalim-e-Noor, Divine Light Soul or Divya Jyoti Aatma-Eeshwar-Bramha or Shiv.